The POTA Antenna Book
A Complete Guide to Portable Antennas
by Don Dickey - WV1W
New for 2024

With 49 years on the air, I can’t remember buying a commercial antenna until I purchased a hamstick for POTA! That said, this book differs from most other antenna books as it covesr both home-made designs and commercial ready-to-use products.

Antennas can be divided between two basic designs: those made primarily of wire, and those made of everything else, usually including aluminum and often with some plastics.

Finally, antennas can be further divided into two electrical types: resonant and non-resonant, and we will discuss how this affects both performance and utility.

This new book covers ALL of the above. We will leave few stones unturned!

After over 535 activations and over 57,000 POTA QSOs I know what works and what doesn't. I made plenty of mistakes and found affordable solutions to activating successfully. The POTA Antenna Book is a collection of this knowledge related specifically to antennas, with a wealth of tips for newbies and projects for the more adventurous who enjoy making their own antennas.

There is something in this book for everyone interested in POTA, and all levels from Tech to Extra.

(click cover to zoom)

• Basic Antenna Theory
• Multi-Band Verticals
• Wire Antennas
• Testing Your Unun
• Remote-Tunables
• Magnetic Loops
• VHF & UHF Antennas
• Antennas for 75 & 160m
• 40/20m Crossed Fan
• My Favorite Antenna
• Mounts & Radials
• Masts & Supports
• Cables & Connectors
• Tricks & Hacks
• and more!

>FREE Sample<
includes a handy
activation checklist

Tested Techniques
Avoid Problems
Success = Fun!

This book will
save you
Time & $$$

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Handy reference book. A must have book for POTA activators.
Earl H on Amazon
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Great information. Both of his books are very well done. I'm looking forward to the third. He has tens of thousands of POTA QSOs, so he knows what he's talking about. Highly recommended. Much more informative than the ARRL POTA book in my opinion.
Biff M on Amazon
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5 stars for POTA and HOA antenna solutions. I'm a POTA enthusiast with hundreds of activations as well as a resident of an homeowners association (so discrete installation is always a challenge). I've learned a ton from Don's concise antenna plans and suggestions.
Jim P (KC1FNM) on Amazon
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© 2024 D.K. Dickey