I enjoy designing antennas. I even have a US patent for one! This is an area where hams can still build their own gear. It is rewarding to make contacts with something MacGyver'd out of stuff in the junkbox! |
Multi-Band Linked Vertical
• Choose from 2 Designs:
• Optimized for SSB or CW/Digital
• High Performance on a Budget

click image for more info
8-Band Stacked Vertical
fits in your pocket

click image for more info
T2LT Vertical Dipole

Great for higher bands:
17m, 15m, 12m, or 10m
• no radials
• no lossy transformer
Tent Pole Vertical

40m Coil
with 3/8-24 threads |

Coil Jumpered
for 20m |

40m SWR |

20m SWR |
Pole Pruner Vertical
base-loaded coil for 40m bypassed for 20m
(36 turns #14 insulated wire = 11 μH)
adjustable tip for fine tuning
3x quick-attach guy lines to tent pegs



Tunable Tip

Quick & Easy Hamstick Options

Tripod Mount |



>CLICK HERE for FREE Radials<
20m Speaker Wire Linkable Dipole

based on Jerry's (KG6HQD) ultalight for QRP SOTA
but 18-gage for QRO POTA @ 25-100 watts
• NO feedline-radiator connection to break
• NO coax connection to break
click here to see connections
rings at ends link to 40m add-on
68-foot 3-Band Dipole
20m w/o coils, 40m coils shorted, 75m w/coils

coils wound on small plastic bottles
2.575" dia x 1.725" long x 23 turns = 30.4 μH

via K7MEM Short Dipole Calculator
Coil-Shortened Dipole Antenna Calculator
Coil-Shortened Vertical Antenna Calculator
Coil Inductance Calculator
Check out my books
for more good POTA info
69,800 QSOs and counting! |